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High Viscosity Mixers Applications

Whether it be cathode paste for the battery industry, body creams for the personal care industry or adhesive blending for the construction industry, high viscosity materials, and their blending affect virtually everyone’s daily life…

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Mining Applications

According to market research, the global growth rate for mining is over 10%, and the industry is projected to grow into a 2.0 trillion-dollar market at the end of 2022. Industrial mixing equipment provides critical solutions to the mining industry. Mining companies have found plow mixers vital in everything from the beginning of the refining process to the final stages of production. Iron refiners use plow…

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Home Building Materials Manufacturing | Plow Mixers

Currently, the world is observing a shortage in building materials. Lumber prices alone have skyrocketed over 130% over last year and steel prices have increased upwards of 8% in several months. Additionally, people are wanting to not only build their own custom homes others at the same time are continuing to want to renovate their properties to improve their home’s equity. During the last quarter of 2020, Home Depot saw…

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Chocolate and Cacao

Humans’ love of cacao predates written history in some parts of the world. The love of the cacao beans had Aztecs use cacao beans even as a form of currency. It was not until the 1600s did cacao reach the European shores and monks began to improve on the characteristics of the cacao bean. In the 1800s with the invention of the Dutch process to reduce the bitterness of cacao, modern chocolate exploded onto the scene, and we began to see the advent of the sweet nectar of the gods…

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Green Technologies

With the increasing population worldwide and reduced land usage for farming due to factors like urban sprawl, the demand for effective agrochemicals is on the rise. Currently, many companies in this arena are facing a wide variety of other external challenges too. Many of these challenges are directly tied to people’s concern about the usage of chemicals…

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With the increasing population worldwide and reduced land usage for farming due to factors like urban sprawl, the demand for effective agrochemicals is on the rise. Currently, many companies in this arena are facing a wide variety of other external challenges too. Many of these challenges are directly tied to people’s concern about the usage of chemicals…

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Plant-Based Proteins

With the increasing population worldwide and reduced land usage for farming due to factors like urban sprawl, the demand for effective agrochemicals is on the rise. Currently, many companies in this arena are facing a wide variety of other external challenges too. Many of these challenges are directly tied to people’s concern about the usage of chemicals…

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Agrochemical Uses

With the increasing population worldwide and reduced land usage for farming due to factors like urban sprawl, the demand for effective agrochemicals is on the rise. Currently, many companies in this arena are facing a wide variety of other external challenges too. Many of these challenges are directly tied to people’s concern about the usage of chemicals…

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Metal Stearates

A metallic stearate is a compound composed of long-chain fatty acids combined with metals of different valences. Metal stearates can either be liquid or solid and are typically thought of as salt. Some of the most common metallic stearates are aluminum, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Stearates are frequently…

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Following the global Covid 19 pandemic, one thing is certain people are focusing more on health and wellness. Even before this pandemic, some surveys listed as many as 3 in 4 adults actively thinking about the health benefits of their current diet. This change in the overall customer perception has resulted in a high level of growth (7.5% annually) in the…

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