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Vacuum Drying for Foods

The history of drying foods to extend shelf life is a long and storied one, dating back thousands of years to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks. Early methods of food drying relied on the sun and wind to remove moisture from food, allowing it to be stored for longer periods of time without spoiling….

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Dry Food and Spice Blending

With world population growth continuing to rise and individuals wanting more diversity in the food they consume, food production is projected to continue growing for the foreseeable future…

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Joint Replacements

Joint Replacement surgery has become a highly routine surgical procedure over the past 20 years. Over 600,000 of these replacements are done annually in the United States alone. The manufacturing of these replacement joints is growing at 7% globally…

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Cellulose Reacting

Cellulose is the most common natural polymer on Earth and is used in various applications. Most commonly, people associate cellulose with paper products. Still, companies have been modifying this material to convert it into everything …

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Horizontal Plow Mixer in the Cosmetics Industry

Makeup and cosmetics have been with humanity as far back as Ancient Egypt and Samaria. Even the statue of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti displays eyeliner on it. As humans are continually fixated on appearances, the cosmetics…

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Pigment Mixers Usage

The pigments market remains a 15-billion-dollar industry even with the movement of the world toward digital workplaces, and it is still expected to maintain long-term growth. The world economy needs …

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Ceramics Applications

When most people hear ceramics, they envision pottery; however, the Ceramics market is widely diverse. It touches everything from semiconductors to aerospace to medical devices. Each of these industries…

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